Donald Preziosi, Professor of Art History, received his PhD from Harvard and before joining the UCLA faculty taught art and architectural history and contemporary critical theory at SUNY, MIT, and Yale. At UCLA he developed the art history critical theory program as well as the UCLA museum studies program. Among his recent books are Rethinking Art History: Meditations on a Coy Science (Yale, 1989), The Art of Art History (Oxford, 1998), and Aegean Art and Architecture (Oxford, 1999). In 2000-2001 he was the Slade Professor of Fine Arts at Oxford, where he delivered the annual Slade Lectures, on the current state of art history, museology, and visual culture studies, to be published next year (Brain of the Earth's Body, Minnesota, 2002). His research, teaching, and writing link together cultural studies, intellectual history, critical theory, and the arts and museologies of various ancient and modern societies.