
Historic grocer's shop

How was shopping done in the past?

You can visit a historic grocery shop!

The brick part of the farmhouse "Niggas" near Mooskirchen housed a historical "Greißlerei", a general store, which could still be found in some rural areas after the Second World War. Clothing, work and household utensils, foodstuffs and much more were sold here.

Today you can find sweets, old tin brand signs, cross-stitch patterns and an old wrought-iron cash register. In this historic atmosphere, visitors can also buy products such as museum guides and sweets like Krachmanderl.

Typical for a rural Greißlerei, which sometimes called itself a general shop, goods shop or even a department store, was not only the small sales area but also the wide range of goods of all kinds. These were usually open and people often brought their own containers for filling liquids such as cooking oil or paraffin.

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Opening hours

March - October: daily 10 am - 4 pm