All programme items



21.05. - 31.10.

Artist in Residence 2023

Artist in Residence 2023

Barbara Kapusta, Second and Four


21.05. - 31.10.

Floating Oasis, In Then Out, Version 2023

Floating Oasis, In Then Out, Version 2023

by students of the Instiute of Achitecture and Landscape at TU Graz, 


22.05. - 31.10.

Artist in Residence 2022

Artist in Residence 2022

Class Kogler, Augmented Dreams


22.05. - 31.10.

In Then Out, Verison 2022

In Then Out, Verison 2022

Das Myzel by Students of Ortweinschule Graz


31.05. - 31.10.

In Then Out, Version 2021

In Then Out, Version 2021

Irritatio, by Students of Markus Wilfling


30.05. - 31.10.

Artist in Residence 2021

Artist in Residence 2021

Christoph Weber, sechs komma vier

Christoph Weber chose a freshly crushed limestone weighing around 200 kg from the quarry as the starting material for his work sechs komma vier.


30.05. - 31.10.

Artist in Residence 2021

Artist in Residence 2021

Judith Fegerl, sunset

Nine solar panels of different age, size, production and application areas form a new work of art for the sculpture park.


01.06. - 31.10.

Artists in Residence 2020

Artists in Residence 2020

by students of Sculpture and Transmedia Art of University for Arts Linz, the maybe date

As a possible meeting point, a construction of four concrete panels that can be folded up is erected, reminiscent of a card house trick.


12.05. - 31.10.

In Then Out, Version 2020

In Then Out, Version 2020

masked sculpture, by Students of Klaus Dieter Zimmer


19.05. - 31.10.

In Then Out, Verison 2019

In Then Out, Verison 2019

Dripping, by Students of Anke Strittmatter

Approximately 70 liters of wax become a sculpture that changes under the influence of heat and sunlight.


19.05. - 31.10.

Artist in Residence 2019

Artist in Residence 2019

Das Eis des Kaisers von China, Jun Yang

"Dieses außergewöhnliche Kunstprojekt ist so interessant, weil weder wir noch der Künstler Jun Yang das Resultat kennen." (Elisabeth Fiedler)


27.05. - 31.10.

Artist in Residence 2018

Artist in Residence 2018

by Samuel Ekeh, student of Brigitte Kowanz 

Samuel Ekeh places a geometric sculpture in the landscape of the park, combining both architectural and figurative elements.


27.05. - 31.10.

Artist in Residence 2018

Artist in Residence 2018

Ursprungsflüssigkeit aus Erdkammersystem, Felix Helmut Wagner, Studierender des Fachbereichs Transmediale Kunst an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Klasse Brigitte Kowanz

Felix Helmut Wagner nutzt Zobernigs reduziertes Formenvokabular, lädt es mit seiner eigenen poetischen Narration auf. 


27.05. - 31.10.

Artist in Residence 2018

Artist in Residence 2018

by Marit Wolters, student of Brigitte Kowanz 

In the middle of the park's "artificially created nature", the artist positions tree-trunk-like structures that show traces of both organic growth and human design.


27.05. - 31.10.

Artist in Residence 2018

Artist in Residence 2018

by Suchart Wannaset, student of Brigitte Kowanz 

Suchart Wannaset raises the question of the importance of community and inclusion in times when the politically propagated need for security in turn forces isolation and exclusion.


27.05. - 31.10.

In Then Out, Verison 2018

In Then Out, Verison 2018

Das akustische Haus, by Students of Markus Wilfling 


21.05. - 31.10.

In Then Out, Version 2017

In Then Out, Version 2017

OUT THEN IN, by Students of Prof. Klaus K. Loenhart


21.05. - 31.10.

Artists in Residence 2017

Artists in Residence 2017

Breathe Earth Collective, AIRSHIP.02 - Evapotree

AIRSHIP.02 – Evapotree is the title of a prototype, which deals with the cooling and air-cleansing of urban spaces, and will be realised at the Austrian Sculpture Park.


22.05. - 31.10.

In Then Out, Version 2016

In Then Out, Version 2016

14, by Students of Anke Strittmatter and Erika Thümmel

14 blue ropes, representing the fourteen students involved in this year's project, will be added to the sculpture In Then Out.


01.04. - 31.10.

Artist in Residence 2016

Artist in Residence 2016

by students of Heimo Zobernig

The aim of the artists was showcase the broad spectrum of sculptural approaches on the platform of Eric Klärung and Heimo Zobernig.