In Then Out, Version 2017

OUT THEN IN, by Students of Prof. Klaus K. Loenhart

21.05. - 31.10.2017
The existing "In Then Out" sculpture was planted with corn all around. The existing "In Then Out" sculpture was planted with corn all around.

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21.05. - 31.10.2017


Austrian Sculpture Park

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About the

Exhibition design

Students of the Institute of Architecture and Landscape at Graz University of Technology, under the direction of Prof. Klaus K. Loenhart, supervised by Andreas Boden, Christoph Walter Pirker


Artists: Annalisa Cammelli, Andreas Marlovits, Jose Javier Perez Urizar, Christoph Räuschenböck, Ivnik Tadel, Patrick Vinicki


Further information

The Austrian Sculpture Park invites art classes to engage with the existing artwork In Then Out, to develop their own temporary version.