12.11. - 08.12.
On the occasion of Orange the World, Kunsthaus Graz presents a collaborative photo series by the important Austrian photographer Elfie Semotan, which gives a strong voice to the female victims of violence.
25.10. - 10.11.
At Neue Galerie Graz, the collective Transformative Narratives presents their music notation technique, Lichenography, as an audiovisual installation.
08.10. - 08.12.
‘Airdancers’ on the BIX facade playfully visualise the interplay between work, movement and energy. The hybrid art project Pump it Up! combines the themes of energy generation, sustainability and work as well as analogue and digital space.
02.10. - 10.11.
war is our way of life, our opponent is our fellow man and the world with all its beings.
we will win! (Peter Gerwin Hoffmann)
12.07. - 27.10.
Waldorf processed trends in (Austrian) painting in the second half of the 20th century in an unmistakable way.
05.07. - 06.10.
What is sacred? Azra Aksamija's "shelters" can be actively experienced and focus on social, ethical and ecological sustainability.
22.06. - 06.10.
The installations of artist Abdul Sharif Oluwafemi Baruwa are subtle questionings of social and political realities.
19.06. - 30.06.
Adolf A. Osterider is one of the prominent representatives of lyrical expressionism in Styria.
24.05. - 27.10.
A first retrospective of the work of an exiled Styrian whose art is characterized by the Graz (sub)culture of the 1960s.
23.05. - 30.06.
The garden sculpture brings together three work complexes from the exhibition Plamen Dejanoff. Heritage Project (2023). All of them can take on both purely aesthetic and concrete functions and refer to the long-term project in Dejanoff's home town of Veliko Tarnovo.
16.05. - 18.08.
Andrea Scrima’s drawing series Loopy Loonies explores the violence imbedded in the comic and cartoon imagery endemic to contemporary visual cultures.
01.05. - 19.01.
In the age of 24/7 access, traditional working hours have long ceased to be the norm. Bike couriers, previously a symbol of physical and flexible work, are now part of the revolution in digital distribution, their gaudy colours a lively addition to the appearance of cities.
25.04. - 07.01.
05.04. - 05.05.
With finery and pomp against the tyranny of the norm! The Diagonale cooperation is a convincing statement for a community of inclusion.
04.04. - 05.05.
What does the world sit on when we sit on it?
As in many of her works, Alicja Kwade questions our habits of perception within Sol LeWitt's Wall. Compared to harmoniously floating stones and bronze world chairs, rotation and gravity as the basic conditions of our life on the blue sphere might simply be a question of perspective.