
Abdul Sharif Oluwafemi Baruwa

22.06. - 06.10.2024

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22.06. - 06.10.2024


21.06.2024 19:00


Neue Galerie Graz


Barbara Seyerl


Free entry

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About the

Abdul Sharif Oluwafemi Baruwa creates installations consisting of video, sculpture, drawings, paintings and objects. In them, his identity appears as a reflection of conflict-laden socio-political structures. Sharif formulates controversial topics such as everyday racism, nationalism and migration with a lightness that combines the poetic with the political.




The Studio Room is the only exhibition space that is not located in the historic building of Neue Galerie. Since 2017, the space has been used to present young Austrian positions.


Abdul Sharif Oluwafemi Baruwa lives and works in Vienna.


His works were recently shown at the Ar/ge Kunst, Bolzano (IT), the Kunsthalle Wien (AT) and the Kyiv Biennale 2023, Vienna (AT).




Invited by Barbara Seyerl

Exhibition text by Laura Amann, 2024


Installation view, "Haus-Geist. Abdul Sharif Oluwafemi Baruwa“

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Ausstellungsansicht „Haus-Geist. Abdul Sharif Oluwafemi Baruwa“

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Universalmuseum Joanneum/J.J.Kucek © Bildrecht, Vienna 2024

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Ausstellungsansicht „Haus-Geist. Abdul Sharif Oluwafemi Baruwa“

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Installation view, "Haus-Geist. Abdul Sharif Oluwafemi Baruwa“

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Installation view, "Haus-Geist. Abdul Sharif Oluwafemi Baruwa“

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