DRAMAWALK 1 | Grenzverletzungen  @ Sol LeWitt´s Wall. Performed

With texts by sophia barthelmes, Armela Madreiter

Drawing, three women in different outfits Drawing, three women in different outfits

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3pm - 4pm


Kunsthaus Graz, Space01

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About the

The texts "Intendantenwechsel" by Armela Madreiter and "vag' weilt regen" by sophia barthelmes refer to border violations to which women in particular are still exposed. These transgressions take place in the private, professional and institutional spheres, but also in language, in the languages of institutions, managers, bosses and partners. Both plays not only examine, in completely different ways, how experiences of violence can be narrated, but also the language with which they are carried out. Texts in German. With Grrrls Chor.


An event of the Dramatiker | innenfestival 2024  


Further date: 24.05, 16:30 - 17:30

Dramatiker:innenfestival, co-funded by the EU – Creative Europe