


28.01. - 13.02

Klaus Pröpster

Klaus Pröpster

Your name on the Kunsthaus BIX Facade

From January 28 until February 13, everyone had the chance to read their own name on the BIX façade. This was thanks to the winning project in the Kunsthaus BIX competition for FH Joanneum students, supported by Energie Graz.


22.09. - 27.01

Fiston Mwanza Mujila

Fiston Mwanza Mujila

Loneliness 12

On the occasion of the Congo Stars exhibition, the text "Loneliness 12" by Fiston Mwanza Mujila runs on the BIX Media Facade.


27.08. - 21.09

Bernhard Wolf

Bernhard Wolf


Bernhard Wolf sends a growing column of symbols into the urban space. Not easy to decipher, they are pretty and spooky at the same time.






The video work Isomorph, which was specially developed for the facade of the Kunsthaus Graz, works on the threshold between form and line. Generative noise patterns slowly emerge from simple lines, which in turn merge into complex patterns.



Tag des Lichts: GRAZ PULSiert

Tag des Lichts: GRAZ PULSiert

On the "International Day of Light", Energie Graz and the Universalmuseum Joanneum are realizing a project together that invites you to join in: Make the lights on the BIX Facade pulsate and set an example for community!


28.04. - 30.04

The Kunsthaus within the Klanglicht

The Kunsthaus within the Klanglicht

Monica Bonvicini: GUILT & Azra Akšamija: Diaspora Scroll (Mariahilf)

GUILT flickers as a stylish signet on the BIX Facade of the Kunsthaus and a group of different identities interweave on the baroque Mariahilf church.


11.04. - 26.08

Monica Bonvicini

Monica Bonvicini


The letter sequence "GUILT" is a statement, a reminder and a denunciation without a specific addressee. The term can be found in two different places: on the BIX Media Facade at nightfall and as a mirrored object in Space01 in the group show Faith Love Hope.


11.12. - 11.04

Daniel Egg

Daniel Egg

Information Stream

Daniel Egg has employed cigarette smoke as a means of communication, developing a semantic vocabulary of forms that manifests itself in smoke.


24.11. - 29.11



A game on the BIX Media Facade on the occasion of the Ludovico Games Festival

With Bixtris, two people can build against each other on the BIX facade. Similar to the cult game Tetris, your mobile phone becomes the cursor and the facade becomes a competitive building site.


27.09. - 29.10



Play with us and set an example for privacy

As part of the exhibition play! Graz collective brings the blockchain on the BIX Media Facade of the Kunsthaus Graz.


07.09. - 11.09

[{Ghost}]@Ars Electronica Festival Linz 2017

[{Ghost}]@Ars Electronica Festival Linz 2017

The [{Ghost}] project is an artificial neural network, artificial intelligence that inhabits two different art institutions.



VR Playful Art

VR Playful Art

A talk, a Ghost and virtual games in a real space

What do we want from VR—Virtual Reality? What lies behind the technological development of VR? We will be looking for answers to these key questions on the podium from a range of perspectives—from a VR scientist, an artist, a curator and a game critic.


13.07. - 10.12

Tristan Schulze

Tristan Schulze


“Love is the measure for learning.” This poetic quote comes from Ghost, a machine intelligence created in the metaspace of the Kunsthaus Graz. Ghost is a digital organism that learns from its environment, lives in the architecture of the Kunsthaus, and from time to time makes an appearance.


01.06. - 30.06



spring seven

Visuals shown on the BIX Media Facade create an "exchange" between building and sound structures.



Im Licht der Öffentlichkeit

Im Licht der Öffentlichkeit

Discussion: public prepositions

Questions on the meaning of public space as socio-political material will be discussed within the framework of Licht 2017 with Mischa Kuball, Barbara Steiner, Elisabeth Fiedler and Bernhard Rinner. Moderated by Katrin Bucher Trantow.


21.04. - 31.05

Mischa Kuball

Mischa Kuball

public preposition | (DYS)(U)TOPIA

Kuball is showing public preposition | (Dys)(U)topia, a script that mutates from the term Utopia to Dystopia and back again. In an endless loop of repetitions on the facade, he questions shifting perspectives on both architectonic and social developments, here and everywhere.


01.04. - 20.04

Xavier Veilhan

Xavier Veilhan


Pendule shifts vision from the two-dimensional to the three-dimensional and turns the BIX Facade into a mirror of the imagination as well as a real moving object in the urban space.


01.02. - 28.02

Andrés Ramírez Gaviria

Andrés Ramírez Gaviria


Colombian Andrés Ramírez Gaviria, based in Vienna, is a conceptual artist who turns digital technology into his laboratory for the analysis of art-historical "truths". His work modal.patterns for the BIX Facade is about the abstracting of narration and the analysis of a principle important for abstract art.


01.01. - 31.01

Katarina Löfström

Katarina Löfström

Little Star

Little Star plays upon the suspense between the hectic pace of images that overwhelm us and the desire to contemplate the pattern.


01.12. - 31.12

Michelangelo Pistoletto

Michelangelo Pistoletto

Terzo Paradiso

The BIX Media Facade and a monitor in the foyer show two works by Michelangelo Pistoletto. Titled “Third Paradise”, the works beckon toward a new age in the fusion of art and life.