There around two dozen parts of a set of armour in the state armoury. This so-called large set was once produced for Kaspar Baron von Völs-Schenkenberg and for a tournament which took place at the Wiener Hof in 1560.
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Styrian Armoury > Discover > Collection > Defensive arms > Great Garniture of Kaspar Baron of Völs-Schenkenberg
There around two dozen parts of a set of armour in the state armoury. This so-called large set was once produced for Kaspar Baron von Völs-Schenkenberg and for a tournament which took place at the Wiener Hof in 1560.
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The parts that remained and were conserved can be used as field armour, as three-quarter armour for the cavalry, as half armour (armour for the infantry) for those who fought on foot, or as special armour for sporting competitions. The collection even includes a chaffron (an iron face mask for a horse).
What was required from the armour would differ according to whether it was to be used in battle or in a tournament. As it was expensive to produce whole suits of armour, individual parts were developed which could be combined with each other according to how they were to be used.
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