
The publications in the Online bookshop are listed by year of publication.

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Out of Print Publications are accessible in the Neue Galerie Graz / Art Library. 

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Unmistakably Waldorf!

… published in conjunction with the exhibition Unmistakably Waldorf!

Neue Galerie Graz, Universalmuseum…

Piece each EUR 9,90

Günter Brus. Disclosure

The publication is published on the occasion of the exhibition Günter Brus. Disclosure,



Piece each EUR 89,00

Promotion Prize of the Province of Styria for Contemporary Fine Arts 2023

The publication is published on the occasion of the exhibition Promotion Prize of the Province of Styria for…

Piece each EUR 6,90

Ladies and Gentlemen. The Fragile Feminist We

The exhibition, which considers the period beginning in the present day reaching back to the 1960s, is…

Piece each EUR 25,00

Katharina Sabernig. Knitted Anatomy

Katharina Sabernig ist Ärztin und Anthropologin und hat sich mit anatomischen Illustrationen, visualisierter…

Piece each EUR 7,90

A Playground Guide to Getting Lost

For the Promotion Prize of the Province of Styria for Contemporary Fine Arts 2021 competition, 12 artists…

Piece each EUR 7,90

Ladies First! Women Artists in and from Styria 1850–1950

Traditionally, women's art has not been given the same opportunities as men's art to become known and…

Piece each EUR 30,00

Claudia Larcher - face 2 face

The publication accompanies the exhibition Claudia Larcher - face 2 face


studio, Neue Galerie Graz, UMJ,…

Piece each EUR 8,00

Alfred Klinkan - Wasnichtallessorauskommt

Alfred Klinkan died around 25 years ago; in 2020 he would have been 70 years old. He was a pioneer of the…

Piece each EUR 30,00

Incised and Stabbed. The Graphic Works of Günter Brus

Brus has said of himself that he is no great innovator of the graphic arts. He has worked consistently in…

Piece each EUR 48,00

Promotion Prize of the Province of Styria for Contemporary Fine Arts 2019

The publication accompanies the exhibition of the competition Promotion Prize of the Province of Styria for…

Piece each EUR 7,90

Art without the unique. The finale. Edition Artelier, Graz 1985–2019

In 1985, at the Graz-based company Schilcher & Sohn KG, an in-house production line was created in the…

Piece each EUR 39,00

Hrdlicka/Martinz - „Call for Mistrust“

The Suschnigg donation has ensured that a large bundle of works by Alfred Hrdlicka has entered the Neue…

Piece each EUR 19,90

Shirin Neshat - Frauen in Gesellschaft

exhibition at the Kunsthalle Tübingen, July 1 to October 29, 2017

and at the Neue Galerie Graz, January 18…

Piece each EUR 30,70

Schiele - Brus - Palme. Dreams of Falling

... published in conjunction with the exhibition
"Schiele - Brus - Palme. Dreams of Falling"
03.03.2018 –…

Piece each EUR 25,60

Veronika Eberhart. 9 is one and 10 is non

This Artistbook is published on the occasion of the exhibition Veronika Eberhart. 9 is one and 10 is non



Piece each EUR 20,00

Who are you? Two centuries of portraits

 ... published in conjunction with the exhibition „Who are you? Two centuries of Portraits 


Neue Galerie…

Piece each EUR 9,50

Battle and Passion. Japanese Colour Woodcuts

published in conjunction with the exhibition Battle and Passion. Japanese Colour Woodcuts 


Neue Galerie…

Piece each EUR 19,90

Susanna Flock – Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing

catalogue published in conjunction with the exhibition Susanna Flock – Forming Storming Norming Performing


Piece each EUR 5,00

David Reumüller. Johnny Silver – Superposition

This magazine is published in conjunction with the exhibition "David Reumüller. Johnny Silver -…

Piece each EUR 2,50

Promotion Prize of the Province of Styria for Contemporary Fine Arts 2016

exhibition of the competition
18 November 2016 - 12 March 2017
Neue Galerie Graz, Universalmuseum Joanneum


Piece each EUR 9,90

Norbertine Bresslern-Roth

published on the occasion of the exhibition "Norbertine Bresslern-Roth - Tiermalerin"

Sold Out!

Piece each EUR 34,90

Snail Shell and Rhinestone Fairytale and Child's Play by Günter Brus / Catalogue box

published on occasion of the exhibition "Snail Shell and Rhinestone Fairytale and Child's Play by Günter…

Piece each EUR 39,00

Kunstraum Steiermark 2016 : Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten des Landes Steiermark

published on the occasion of the exhibition Kunstraum Steiermark, Neue Galerie Graz, 30.11.2016-29.01.2017


Piece each EUR 1,00

Artothek: Kunst aus dem Museum für zuhause

published on the occasion of the Exhibition Artothek Steiermark, Neue Galerie Graz, 09.10.-06.11.2016



Piece each EUR 1,00


published on the occasion of the exhibition "mediablock-richard-kriesche"
Neue Galerie Graz, Universalmuseum…

Piece each EUR 29,90

Günter Brus - Fault Zones

published on the occasion of the retrospective exhibition 'Günter Brus. Fault Zones'


12. März-6. Juni…

Piece each EUR 35,00

Total View - Gerhard Rühm Retrospective 1952–2015

published on the occasion of the exhibition „Total View - Gerhard Rühm Retrospective 1952–2015"



Piece each EUR 34,90

Shift in Painting - The Ploner Collection

 published on occasion of the exhibitions "The Ploner Collection ..."


Albertina, 10. June - 6. September…

Sold Out!

Piece each EUR 32,00

Wolfgang Temmel - North Korean landscapes

accompanies the exhibition Wolfgang Temmel - North Korean landscapes


Neue Galerie Graz, UM Joanneum…

Piece each EUR 22,00

Landscape – construction of a reality

In common parlance, landscape has generally come to approximate nature. Yet in theoretical reflection, the…

Piece each EUR 29,90

Gerhard Rühm – Geometrie und Leidenschaft

… published on occasion of the exhibition "Total view – Gerhard Rühm Retrospective 1952–2015



Piece each EUR 5,00

Nature is Within. The Painter Wolfgang Hollegha

In the person of Wolfgang Hollegha (born in Klagenfurt in 1929, lives in Rechberg, Styria), the Neue Galerie…

Piece each EUR 29,90

Hubert Hoffmann. Alle Architektur ist Raumkunst

published to accompany the exhibition "Hubert Hoffmann. Alle Architektur ist Raumkunst"



Piece each EUR 7,90

The Art of Mr. Nestler - Sculptor, Graphic artist and Performer

published on the occasion of the exhibition „The Art of Mr. Nestler“


October 24, 2014-February 22, 2015,…

Piece each EUR 29,90

Towards Modernity? Paul Schad-Rossa and the Arts in Graz

published in conjunction with the exhibition "Towards Modernity?Paul Schad-Rossa and the Arts in Graz"



Piece each EUR 29,00

André Thomkins, Eternal Network

published in conjunction with the exhibition "André Thomkins, Eternal Network"


Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein,…

Piece each EUR 49,95

Idea and Form Mathematics and the Beauty of Science

published on occasion of the exhibition "Idea and Form - Mathematics and the Beauty of Science"



Piece each EUR 7,90

Wilhelm Thöny - Im Sog der Moderne

published in conjunction with the exhibition "Wilhelm Thöny - Im Sog der Moderne"


24.05.2013 – 22.09.2013,…

Piece each EUR 58,00

Against the light. Günter Brus und Franz Graf

published in conjunction with the exhibition "Against the light. Günter Brus and Franz Graf"



Piece each EUR 9,90

Excursion on the stage: works for the theatre from Günther Brus

published to accompany the exhibition "Günter Brus - Excursion on the stage: works for the theatre"



Piece each EUR 19,90

Maria Lassnig. The Location of Pictures

Maria Lassnig’s art reveals a basic problem every person is confronted with: the question of the picture, of…

Sold Out!

Piece each EUR 29,90

Irena Lagator Pejović. The Society of Unlimited Responsibility. Art as Social Strategy

Ed. Christa Steinle and Karin Buol-Wischenau.
Preface: Christa Steinle and Bazon Brock. Texts: Gaia Bindi,…

Piece each EUR 35,00

Modernism: Suicide of Art?

Reflections of the Collection of the Neue Galerie Graz


published on occasion of the exhibition "Modernism:…

Piece each EUR 38,00

Theater of Transparency / 2000-2010

a ten-year video project by Osvaldo Romberg


[publ. In conjunction with the installations at the Neue…

Piece each EUR 26,00

Hans Hollein. Alles ist Architektur

published in conjunction with the exhibition Hans Hollein


26.11.2011–09.04.2012, Neue Galerie Graz,…

Piece each EUR 58,00

Günter Brus - expositions

Colloque en l'honneur des 70 ans de l'artiste
Neue Galerie Graz am Universalmuseum Joanneum. Sous la…

Piece each EUR 16,00

Gregor Schmoll - Vexations

In conjunction with the exhibition Gregor Schmoll. Vexations, 15.01. - 27.02.2010, Neue Galerie Graz, Studio

Piece each EUR 26,80

Robert Wilson – Video Portraits

in conjunction with the exhibition Robert Wilson – Video Portraits,


Neue Galerie Graz , 20.06. -…

Piece each EUR 30,70

Neue Galerie Jahresbericht 2009/2010

Neue Galerie 2009-2010


Annual Report; Ed.: Christa Steinle für die Gesellschaft der Freunde der Neuen…

Piece each EUR 1,00

Promotion Prize of the State of Styria for Contemporary Fine Arts 2010

exhibition of the competition, 27.11.2010 - 16.01.2011, Neue Galerie Graz, Künstlerhaus



Piece each EUR 3,60

Udo Bohnenberger. Nordische Kombinationen

erscheint anlässlich der Ausstellung „Udo Bohnenberger“


03.04.-24.05.2009, Neue Galerie Graz, Studio



Piece each EUR 16,20

Martina Kresta. Aufzeichnungen

published in conjunction with the exhibition „Martina Kresta - Aufzeichnungen“, 29.05.-30.06.2010, Neue…

Piece each EUR 8,00

Susanne Schuda

published in conjunction with the exhibition Susanne Schuda – Die Zelle“


18.09.-01.11.2009, Neue Galerie…

Piece each EUR 19,90

Michael Schuster. For Your Information

published in conjuction with the exhibition „Michael Schuster – For Your Information


Neue Galerie Graz,…

Piece each EUR 39,90

Katharina Stiglitz – Le temps discret

published in conjunction with the exhibition „Katharina Stiglitz : Le temps discret


07.11. - 08.12.2009,…

Sold Out!

Piece each EUR 9,00

Alois Mosbacher. Outside Fiction

Exhibition: Neue Galerie Graz 11.6.–15.8.2010


Ed. Günther Holler-Schuster, conversation between…

Sold Out!

Piece each EUR 39,80

Martin Walde – a second home for Schrödinger’s cat

published in conjunction with the exhibition „Martin Walde : Hallucigenia and friends“


Hofgalerie, Neue…

Sold Out!

Piece each EUR 32,90

Förderungspreis des Landes Steiermark für zeitgenössische bildende Kunst 2008

Contest Exhibition
Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum 13.12.2008 - 08.02.2009


Curator: Jirí…

Piece each EUR 1,00

Akzent Ungarn. Ungarische Kunst aus der Sammlung der Neuen Galerie Graz

... published in conjunction with the exhibition „Akzent Ungarn – Ungarische Kunst aus der Sammlung der…

Piece each EUR 22,00

Another tomorrow: young video art from the collection of the Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum

Philadelphia, Pa.: Slought Foundation/San Francisco:
Distributed by Microcinema International, 2008
2 DVD…

Sold Out!

Piece each EUR 24,00

The discret charm of technology: arts in Spain

El discreto encanto de la tecnología: artes en España = The discret charm of technology: arts in Spain

Sold Out!

Piece each EUR 29,00

Günter Brus. Alfred Kubin

...published in conjunction with the exhibition „Günter Brus - Alfred Kubin: Confluences and Differences

Sold Out!

Piece each EUR 6,00

Günter Brus. Max Klinger

...published in conjunction with the exhibition „Günter Brus - Max Klinger: Confluences and Differences"

Piece each EUR 6,00

Rewind / Fast forward

... published in conjuction with the exhibition „Rewind / Fast Forward. Die Videosammlung"

Neue Galerie…

Piece each EUR 22,00

Sabine Aichhorn. Los Angeles

... published in conjuction with the exhibition „Sabine Aichhorn – Los Angeles“

studio, Neue Galerie Graz,…

Sold Out!

Piece each EUR 9,00

Wolfgang Buchner. Tauweg

... published in conjuction with the exhibition „Wolfgang Buchner – Rotsalz im Herbstberg".

Neue Galerie…

Piece each EUR 22,00

Manuel Gorkiewicz

... published in conjuction with the exhibition „Manuel Gorkiewicz“

studio, Neue Galerie Graz,…

Piece each EUR 29,00

Andreas Heller. Blueprints for a blackout

... published in conjuction with the exhibition „Andreas Heller. 0°“

studio, Neue Galerie Graz, 04.04. -…

Sold Out!

Piece each EUR 9,00

Arge Kugelstein. Zur Verblüffung des Universums

... published in conjuction with the exhibition „Arge Kugelstein: Zur Verblüffung des Universums“


Piece each EUR 9,00

Karl Karner. We have time (…)

... published in conjuction with the exhibition „Karl Karner“

studio, Neue Galerie Graz, 25.01. - 24.03.2008

Sold Out!

Piece each EUR 18,50

Robert Wilsons’s VOOM Portraits

... published in conjuction with the exhibition „Robert Wilsons‟s VOOM Portraits“

Neue Galerie Graz, 20.06.…

Sold Out!

Piece each EUR 1,00

Grand total: € 0,00

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