Loopy Loonies

Andrea Scrima

16.05. - 18.08.2024

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16.05. - 18.08.2024


Kunsthaus Graz

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About the

Andrea Scrima’s drawing series Loopy Loonies explores the violence imbedded in the comic and cartoon imagery endemic to contemporary visual cultures.


In the context of present-day global political disasters, the drawings develop a visual vocabulary of splats, speech bubbles, and animated letters of the alphabet to inquire into ideas about dissent, the abuse of language and the nature of pain, compassion, and disgust.


The drawings are accompanied by Andrea Scrima’s texts, fragments of which can be taken home in the form of postcards for further reflection.


Künstlerin und Stadtschreiberin Andrea Scrima mit Kuratorin Alexandra Trost

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Ausstellungsansicht "Loopy Loonies"

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Ausstellungsansicht "Loopy Loonies"

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Ausstellungsansicht "Loopy Loonies"

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Andrea Scrima, NO, aus der Zeichnungsserie Loopy Loonies, 2024

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Andrea Scrima, NO, aus der Zeichnungsserie Loopy Loonies, 2024

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Andrea Scrima, NO, aus der Zeichnungsserie Loopy Loonies, 2024

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