Mandla Reuter

1975 (Nqutu/Southafrika), lives and works in Basel and Vienna

Mandla Reuter’s works often consist of interventions that more or less directly modify the surrounding architecture and connote its perception. Seen separately as images, they combine to form a construction of real or fictitious references from which further possible narratives ensue.

His recent solo exhibitions were on show at Croy Nielsen, Vienna (2023), Kunsthalle Basel (2013), De Vleeshal, Middelburg (2011), Kunsthalle Lingen (2009), Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin (2009); numerous group exhibitions such as Made in Germany Zwei, Sprengel Museum, Hanover (2012), Based in Berlin, Berlin (2011), Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster (2011), Köln Skulptur 6 (2011), Momentum Biennale, Moss (2011), Castello di Tivoli, Turin (2010), Gwangju Biennale (2008), Site Biennale, Santa Fe (2008).