Who’s Speaking?

Polyphony in the Museum

21.06. - 22.06.2018

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21.06. - 22.06.2018


Museumsakademie Joanneum

Meeting point

Frankfurt am Main (DE)


190 €, reduced fee 140 € (The reduced fee is available to students, trainees, unemployed people, and employees of this year’s cooperation partners.)

External registration

Please register via e-mail.


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About the

The criticism of hegemonic museum and exhibition strategies has left its mark and continues to evolve: in many places, the commitment to diversity and difference has become a guiding principle of how museums present themselves. Marginalised groups are the focus of exhibitions, new approaches to content, collecting initiatives, and educational programmes. This had led to an increase in the number of players involved in the politics of history in the arena of the museum. They call for different views of history and combine these with critical questions about the power of interpretation and methods of representation. Societal changes and current funding policies also give pause for reflection. This workshop deals with the history and present of this field of practice including its specific inclusions and exclusions as well as the conditions for this development. Starting from the question of who speaks, we will discuss pioneering projects from the last few decades and current approaches to collaborative curating and shared authorship. The primary focus of the workshop will be on methods of representation that allow for complexity, dispense with clear identifications, create confusion, and open up new avenues of thought.

In cooperation with
Historical Museum Frankfurt

Christine Braunersreuther Museologist, Graz (AT)
Elisabeth von Dücker Curator & Custodian, Hamburg (DE)
Simonetta Ferfoglia Artist & Curator, Academy of Fine Arts & Gangart/ Artist Team, Vienna (AT)
Angela Jannelli Curator, Historical Museum, Frankfurt a. M. (DE)
Heinrich Pichler Artist & Curator, Academy of Fine Arts & Gangart/ Artist Team, Vienna (AT)
Niko Wahl Freelance Historian & Curator, Vienna (AT)


Organisers of the workshop
Vida Bakondy Freelance Historian, Vienna (AT)
Karoline Boehm Museumsakademie Joanneum, Graz (AT)