Margit Berner Curator of the Cast Collection and research associate Anthropology, Natural History Museum Vienna (AT)
Margit Delefant Deputy Head of the Regional Didactics Centre for Biology and Environmental Studies Styria, University of Graz (AT)
Hannes Geisser Director of the Thurgau Nature Museum, Frauenfeld (CH)
Reinhard Golebiowski Head of Exhibition & Education Department, Natural History Museum Vienna (AT)
Bettina Habsburg-Lothringen Head of the Joanneum Museum Academy, Graz (AT)
Anita Hermannstädter Head of PAN - Perspectives on Nature, Department of Science Communication and Knowledge Research, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin (DE)
Peter Jann Director of Naturama Aargau, Aarau (CH)
Christian Köberl Director General and Scientific Managing Director Natural History Museum Vienna (AT)
Susanne Köstering Managing Director Museumsverband des Landes Brandenburg e.V., Potsdam (DE)
Christian Kropf Head of Invertebrate Division, Natural History Museum of the Burgergemeinde Bern (CH)
Bernd Moser Head of the Department of Geosciences, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz (AT)
Wolfgang Paill Head of the Department of Biosciences, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz (AT)
Peter Pakesch Director Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz (AT)
Anne Marie Rahn Project Manager ‘Experiencing Nature Together - Intercultural Exchange4 in Frankfurt’ Senckenberg Nature Museum, Frankfurt am Main (D)
Rita Schlamberger Biologist and commercial director ScienceVision Filmproduktions GmbH, Graz (A)
Ulrike Strottrop Head of the Geology/Natural History Department, Ruhr Museum, Essen (DE)
Gerhard Tarmann Curator of Natural Science Collections, Tyrolean State Museum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck (AT)
Klaus Taschwer Science Editor, daily newspaper Der Standard, Vienna (AT)