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Open data in cultural institutions

12.06. - 13.06.2014

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12.06. - 13.06.2014


Museumsakademie Joanneum, Wien

Meeting point

Wien Museum, Vienna (AT)


free of charge

External registration

Please register via e-mail.




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About the

Open data refers to the free and unlimited access and use of data, with the goal of increasing transparency, (for example, in public institutions); facilitating networking; and inspiring new research. Based on specific projects and together with experts, we would like to discuss the consequences of this highly topical idea for both large and small museums. What do museums need in order to provide unlimited access to collections and research findings and, above all, what does this lead to? What speaks against everyone having access to publicly funded knowledge and what speaks for everyone being able to edit this knowledge or commercially distribute it (for instance, image data)? What are the consequences of waiving the copyrights on the museum’s holdings, making them public domain? What perhaps completely new ways does open data pave for communicating with visitors? What does this data mean for the institutional identity of museums as public institutions? And what possibly new or different social roles can museums play if they make a committed effort to open up?

In cooperation with
Wien Museum

Leonhard Dobusch Junior Professor for Organisation Theory, Management Department, Freie Universität Berlin (DE)
Hans Peter Hahn University Professor, Institute for Ethnology, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (DE)
Bernhard Haslhofer Data Scientist, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Vienna (AT)
Tomas Kasanicky FH St. Pölten, student of Digital Media Technologies & co-developer of the Helios app, Vienna (AT)
Christian Kircher Finance Director Wien Museum, Vienna (AT)
Frauke Kreutler Head of Digital Collection Management, Wien Museum, Vienna (AT)
Börries von Notz Sole Director, Hamburg Historical Museums Foundation (DE)
Eva Patzschke Project Manager ‘Wiki approach and collaborative work in research museums’, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (DE)
Sylvia Petrovic-Majer Independent cultural scientist, OpenGLAM Austria, Vienna (AT)
Florian Schiesterl FH St. Pölten, Digital Media Technologies student & co-developer of the Helios app, Vienna (AT)
Christoph Sonnlechner Project Manager Vienna History Wiki, Vienna City and Provincial Archives, Vienna (AT)
Judith van Gent Head documentation and photography, Amsterdam Museum, Amsterdam (NL)
Josef Thon Head of Municipal Department 48, Vienna City Administration (AT)
Stefan Tunea Information technician, Wien Museum, Vienna (AT)
Harald Wendelin Project Manager, Vienna Museum of Technology (AT)
Thomas Winkler Curator of the Transport Collection, Vienna Museum of Technology (AT)

Organisers of the event
Felix Taschner Assistant to the Director, Wien Museum, Vienna (AT)
Christoph Pietrucha Research Associate, Joanneum Museum Academy, Graz (AT)